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International Journal of Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol.1, No.3, Dec. 2015, Pub. Date: Nov. 12, 2015
Biosorption of 137Cs and/or 60Co from Radioactive Waste Solution Simulates Using Spent Black Tea (Camellia sinensis) Dregs
Pages: 333-342 Views: 2683 Downloads: 1507
Samir B. Eskander, Radioisotope Department, Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority, Giza, Egypt.
Talat A. Bayoumi, Radioisotope Department, Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority, Giza, Egypt.
Cesium-137 and cobalt-60 are major radionuclides detected in various categories of radioactive waste streams generated due to the peaceful applications of nuclear technology in our life. Both are γ emitters. Cs-137(γ= 0.662 MEV) is extremely soluble alkaline, highly radiotoxic and long lived element with half-life of 30.5 years. Co-60(T1/2 = 5.25 years) has two gamma energy peaks at 1.17 and 1.33 MEV. The two radioisotopes reported to have immense applications in medicine, industry, agriculture, research and others. Hence, the generated liquid waste streams spiked with 137Cs and /or 60Co need adequate treatment before their release to the environment. During recent years biosorption has gained imperative credibility because of its good performance and low cost. The present work puts forward an effective green chemistry approach to radioactive liquid waste treatment. Spent Black Tea leaves (the dregs), (SBT), have been used as biosorbent for removal of these two radionuclides from their waste simulate solutions at bench scale laboratory experiments. This study aims at evaluating the efficiency of the non–costed SBT as biosorbent for Cs-137 and /or Co-60 from hazard radioactive waste streams. The factors assumed to affect the sorption capacity and determine the suitability SBT as biosorbent for these two radiocontaminants e.g. contact time, biomass dosage, and temperature of the surrounding…were evaluated. Based on the data obtained it is recorded that ~ 90% of the radiocobalt and more than 80% of radiocesium added were removed from the waste simulate stream by the SBT at concentration 150g/L, after one week, at pH value ~ 5.4 and at ambient temperature (25±5ºC). Therefore, the present study recommends spent black tea dregs as a cost effective and an easily available biosorbent, substituted for the conventional carbon based sorbents, for radiocontaminants removal.
Biosorption, Radioactive Waste Solution, Cobalt-60, Cesium-137, Spent Black Tea
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