International Journal of Materials Chemistry and Physics
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International Journal of Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol.2, No.2, Apr. 2016, Pub. Date: Jan. 18, 2016
Corrosion-Protecting Properties of Bis Quaternized Derivates of Some N-Arylnicotinamides
Pages: 45-49 Views: 2744 Downloads: 1205
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[02] Yu. E. Klimko, Chemical Technologies of Organic Substances, National Engineering University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”, Kiev, Ukraine.
[03] A. V. Gaidai, Chemical Technologies of Organic Substances, National Engineering University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”, Kiev, Ukraine.
Some N-Arylnicotinamides were obtained by acylation of 2- and 4-aminopyridines, 3-aminoquinoline with nicotinic acid chloride and converted in bis quaternary salts by quaternization with benzyl chloride, allyl chloride and allyl bromide. Corrosion properties of the salts obtained were studied with respect to corrosion of 08 kp steel in 3M HCl at 40-80°C. Quantum chemical calculations using DFT at the B3LYP/6-31G(d) level have been applied in order to explain the different inhibition efficiencies of these compounds act as inhibitors for iron steel in acid media. The theoretical results were found to be consistent with the experimental data reported.
N-Arylnicotinamides, Bis Quaternary Salts on the Base of N-Arylnicotinamides, Synthesis, Hydrochloric Acid, 08kp Steel, Anticorrosion Activity
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