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International Journal of Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol.1, No.3, Dec. 2015, Pub. Date: Jan. 6, 2016
Success Stories of Eco-friendly Organically Acceptable Insecticides as Natural Products Discovery
Pages: 388-394 Views: 2444 Downloads: 3190
Muhammad Sarwar, Nuclear Institute for Food &Agriculture (NIFA), Tarnab, Peshawar, Pakistan.
Muhammad Salman, Nuclear Institute for Food &Agriculture (NIFA), Tarnab, Peshawar, Pakistan.
This publication contains a set of facts about specific organic insecticides that can be used in organic plant protection systems and provides background information about the type of material, how it is made, how it works, and types of pests it can control. Owing to the emphasis during these days on environment and health issues, growers aresearching for ways to produce healthy cropswhile still protecting the fragile ecosystems in their ownland. These goals may seem to conflict wheninsects or other pests invading the crops. There aretimes when the growers may resort to pesticides tocontrol a pest invasion, but there are also many nonchemical alternatives. Some of these alternatives are ina category known as organic controls using organic insecticides possessing carbon atoms includingbotanicals, diatomaceous earth, kaolin clay, pesticide soap, detergents and horticulture oils. By definition, an organic insecticide is a substance that performs a biocidal action on insects due to nature of its chemical structure. Botanicalinsecticides include nicotine from tobacco, pyrethrum from chrysanthemums, derris from cabbage, rotenone from beans, sabadilla from lilies, ryania from ryania shrub, limonene from citrus peel, and neem from tropical neem tree. Most organic insecticides, other than nicotine, have low levels of toxicity in mammals and birds, and create few adverse environmental effects. Least toxic insecticides that are labelled as natural or organic products are necessarily harmless to humans or environment, many are quite safe to use and some have hazards associated with them. Organic insecticides are usually inherently less toxic in contrast to broad spectrum conventional pesticides that may affect organisms like different birds, insects and mammals. Organic insecticides generally affect only target pest and closely related organisms, often are effective in very small quantities, decompose quickly thereby resulting in lower exposures and largely avoiding pollution problems. When used as a component of integrated pest management, organic insecticides can greatly decrease use of conventional pesticides, while crop yields remain high. Preventive, cultural, mechanical, and physical methodsmust be first choice for pest control, and conditions for use of biological material must bedocumented in organic system plan. To use biopesticides effectively and safely, however, users need to know a great deal about managing pests, must carefully follow all label directions concerning any limitations, and wear protective clothing whenever using any insecticide because even those products that are nontoxic can be irritating to skin, eyes and mucous membranes.
Organic Insecticides, Organic Farming, Diatomaceous Earth, Kaolin Clay, Soap, Oil
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