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International Journal of Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol.5, No.1, Mar. 2019, Pub. Date: May 20, 2019
Influence of Heat Treatment on the Drawability and Strain Hardening Index for Low Carbon Al - Killed Steel Sheets
Pages: 13-20 Views: 1599 Downloads: 401
Sahib Mohammed Mahdi, Department Of Engineering Materials, College of Engineering, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq.
Ahmed Kadhuim Muhammad, Department Of Engineering Materials, College of Engineering, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq.
The deep drawing process is one of the most important processes of sheet metal formation, due to it is low-cost, fast, and does not require high skill. The deep drawing is very important in automobile industries, because many parts are produced in this process. For this reason, it is necessary to study all parameters that may affect on the process, including heat treatments, in this work the mechanical properties such as: tensile strength, yield stress, maximum elongation, and strain hardening index for SAE1006 was tested by tensile test which gives a good indication to the extent of the drawability of the metal. Grain size was also measured. All of these tests were conducted in three direction with respect to rolling direction (0ͦ, 45ͦ, 90ͦ) with and without heat treatments. This investigation was done in order to find the effect of recrystallization and stress relief heat treatments on the draw ability of the metal, and the strain hardening index. This work has shown that these heat treatments have a bad effect on mechanical properties required to conduct a deep drawing process because they have increased strength and reduced the ductility. The rupture and wrinkling defects are be in zones defects for the relationship between blank holder force and punch travel distance.
Deep Drawing, Recrystallization, Stress Relief, Strain Hardening Index
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