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International Journal of Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol.5, No.3, Sep. 2019, Pub. Date: Jan. 14, 2020
Quality of Drinking Water in Peri-urban Communities in Ghana: Chemical Parameters Evidence from New Juaben Municipality
Pages: 29-41 Views: 1374 Downloads: 441
Joan Danquah, Department of Science Education, Seventh Day Adventist College of Education, Asokore-Koforidua, Ghana.
Sabina Amos, Department of Science Education, Komenda College of Education, Komenda, Ghana.
Kofi Mensah, Department of Science Education, Presbyterian College of Education, Akropong-Akuapim, Ghana.
Janet Dansoah Oppong, Department of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, Seven Day Adventist College of Education, Koforidua-Asokore, Ghana.
This study assessed the quality of drinking water in some peri - urban communities in the New Juaben Municipality in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Ten (10) drinking water sources sampling sites were purposively sampled and their Chemical parameters were assessed over a period of six months. The study revealed that most chemical parameters, mean turbidity value, sediments and soils in the drinking water were within the WHO permissible guideline ranges. The research findings also showed that Manganese, Zinc and Iron were the most prevalent metallic pollutants in all the water, sediment and soil samples examined that, the contamination of these heavy metals were attributed to natural geological conditions, agricultural and runoff. The study recommended that, there should be regular monitoring of the drinking water quality in the New Juaben Municipal Area. Increased accumulation of lead, iron, manganese and arsenic concentration may have adverse effects surfacing. There is therefore the need to check the concentration in further research to observe the future trends and the necessary action taken.
Chemical, Parameters, Water, Peri-urban, Communities, Evidence, New Juaben Municipality, Ghana
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