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International Journal of Modern Physics and Applications, Vol.1, No.3, Jul. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 10, 2015
Modeling of Interfacial Dynamics in Turbulent Two-Phase Flows Using the Level Set Method
Pages: 77-98 Views: 2656 Downloads: 1070
Ashraf Balabel, Mechanical Engineering Dept, Faculty of Engineering, Taif University, Al, Haweiah, Taif, Saudi Arabia.
In the present paper, the dynamics of turbulent two-phase flow is numerically predicted. The numerical modeling presented here is based on a new developed numerical method called Interfacial Marker-Level Set method, which coupled with the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations to predict the dynamical behavior of turbulent two-phase flow. The governing equations for time-dependent, axisymmetric and incompressible two-phase flow are described in both phases and solved separately using the control volume approach on structured cell-centered collocated grids. The transition from one phase to another is performed through a consistent balance of kinematic and dynamic conditions on the interface separating the two phases. The topological changes of the interface are predicted by applying the level set approach. The performance of linear and non-linear two-equation turbulence models is also investigated. Generally, the developed numerical method demonstrates a remarkable capability to predict the dynamical characteristics of complex turbulent two-phase flow in many industrial applications.
Numerical Methods, Two-Phase Flow, Level Set Method, Capillary Instability, Turbulence Modeling
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