International Journal of Modern Physics and Applications
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International Journal of Modern Physics and Applications, Vol.1, No.4, Sep. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 20, 2015
Contact Resistance in Organic Thin Film Transistors: Application to Octithiophene (8T)
Pages: 131-138 Views: 4292 Downloads: 57850
[01] S. Zorai, Physics laboratory of Materials: Structure and Properties, Group of Physics Components and Nanometric Devices, Carthage University, Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte, Jarzouna-Bizerte, Tunisia.
[02] R. Bourguiga, Physics laboratory of Materials: Structure and Properties, Group of Physics Components and Nanometric Devices, Carthage University, Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte, Jarzouna-Bizerte, Tunisia.
In this paper, we present a device model of the charge distribution and the contact resistance in organic thin film transistor (OTFTs) in which the active layers are made of octithiophene. In this model we suppose that the current in organic semiconductors is only carried by injected carriers from the electrodes and an analytical formulation for the charge distribution inside the organic layer was derived.
Thin Film, Organic Semiconductors, Contact Resistance, Active Layers
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