International Journal of Modern Physics and Applications
Articles Information
International Journal of Modern Physics and Applications, Vol.2, No.3, May 2016, Pub. Date: Sep. 3, 2016
A Magnetic Field Transducer Based on the Mechanoelectric Effect in Semiconductors
Pages: 15-17 Views: 3816 Downloads: 1054
[01] Sh. M. Aliev, Institute of Physics, Daghestan Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala, Daghestan, Russia.
[02] I. K. Kamilov, Institute of Physics, Daghestan Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala, Daghestan, Russia.
[03] K. M. Aliev, Institute of Physics, Daghestan Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala, Daghestan, Russia.
[04] N. S. Abakarova, Institute of Physics, Daghestan Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala, Daghestan, Russia.
[05] M. Sh. Aliev, Institute of Physics, Daghestan Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala, Daghestan, Russia.
[06] Zh. G. Ibaev, Institute of Physics, Daghestan Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala, Daghestan, Russia.
A sensitive magnetic field transducer based on the mechanoelectric effect in semiconductors is designed. The transducer is a magnetic dipole with the central axis of rotation, on poles of which are mounted side needles which can exert mechanical pressure on a fixed strain-sensing semiconductive elements. The I-V curves of the semiconductive elements lead to modification in the magnetic field. The I-V curves show that the reverse I-V branch is more sensitive to the magnetic field than the forward one. The sensitivity of the produced transducer is 3.0×103 V/A Oe.
Magnetic Field, Magnetic Dipole, Semiconductor, p-n Junction, Current-Voltage Characteristic, Mechanoelectric Effect
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