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Journal of Language, Linguistics and Literature, Vol.1, No.6, Dec. 2015, Pub. Date: Oct. 19, 2015
Factors Enhancing Language Use in a Bilingual Turkmen Community in Baghdad
Pages: 175-181 Views: 2832 Downloads: 1089
Bader S. Dweik, Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Middle East University, Amman, Jordan.
Sara N. Al-Rahal, Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Middle East University, Amman, Jordan.
This study aimed at investigating the factors that enhance language use among the Turkmen of Baghdad. The study attempted to highlight the factors that led them to use their ethnic language and Arabic which is the official language of Iraq in different domains. The researchers selected a one-hundred-participant sample from the Turkmen of Baghdad covering different age, gender and educational background. The instrument of the study was open-ended interviews. Results showed that the Turkmen of Baghdad maintained their ethnic language and used it in different domains of language use. The results also revealed that social, cultural and political factors played a significant role in using their ethnic language in Baghdad. Arabic was used as a daily language of communication in all formal channels related to the government whether it is in education, i.e. schools, universities, in media or in official situations.
Language Use, Factors, Turkmen, Baghdad, Bilingualism
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