Articles Information
Journal of Language, Linguistics and Literature, Vol.1, No.6, Dec. 2015, Pub. Date: Oct. 27, 2015
Self-Regulation and Speaking Proficiency in Iranian EFL Learners
Pages: 182-188 Views: 3319 Downloads: 2424
Elham Mahjoob, English Department, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran.
This study is to investigate the relationship between Iranian EFL learners self regulation and their speaking proficiency. 60 advanced female and male students studying in the adult section of the ILI, Shiraz, Iran participated in the study. Correlational analysis carried out to determine the relationship between variables. Two t-tests run to compare the students from the high with those of the low group regarding the two variables. Findings revealed there is a weak relationship between self-regulation and Iranian EFL learners' speaking proficiency. Participants' speaking proficiency was evaluated using IELTS speaking test. Generally, the high achievers, comparing with the low achievers were more proficient in performing the speaking test. Regarding the result of t-test for speaking, high achievers are found as self-regulated as the low achievers in speaking a foreign language. There are just minor differences between the students from the two groups in the order they used the self-regulation strategies.
Self-Regulation, Speaking Proficiency, High-Achievers, Low-Achievers
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