Journal of Language, Linguistics and Literature
Articles Information
Journal of Language, Linguistics and Literature, Vol.5, No.1, Mar. 2019, Pub. Date: Feb. 14, 2019
Liberalism Is Freedom, but also Responsibility
Pages: 13-20 Views: 4178 Downloads: 355
[01] Lembo Tanning, Marcelius Trade Limited Liability Company, Tallinn, Estonia.
[02] Toivo Tanning, Marcelius Trade Limited Liability Company, Tallinn, Estonia.
This ethical principle "liberalism - freedom versus responsibility " has been on the agenda since antiquity. This is directly related to the principles of humanism and freedom. The purpose of this publication is to analysis the observance of this principle and its impact today. Today it all comes down to ethical principles, which have been here in part discussed. How does principles, liberal values and respect to moral in Europe today? Liberalism brings freedom, but it is also responsibility. Governors' from managers responsibility for their subordinates, for their lives and well-being. Aim of this publication is the analysis of the humanism principle in the professional ethics in Europe. This section is focused on propriety conflict or inconsistency between personal conscience and social standards or interests of the corporation (office). Aims are at analysis the dominance of the humanism principle in today’s economies of the new European Union (EU) Member States, the Baltic States, having at the basis the gross domestic product (GDP).
Liberalism, Freedom, Responsibility, Humanism, Business Ethics, Research Ethics, Wild Capitalism, Global Ethics
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MA 02210, USA
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