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Journal of Language, Linguistics and Literature, Vol.5, No.1, Mar. 2019, Pub. Date: Feb. 18, 2019
The Phrases in the Work “Gulistan Bit-Turk” by Sayfi Sarai and Grammatical Tools for Their Subordinate Relationships
Pages: 21-23 Views: 1769 Downloads: 352
Otaboyev Akbar, Department of Uzbek Linguistic, Faculty of Philology, Urgench State University, Urgench City, Uzbekistan.
Yusupova Quvonchoy, Department of Uzbek Linguistic, Faculty of Philology, Urgench State University, Urgench City, Uzbekistan.
The article analyzes the phrases, the grammatical units of them, the words and their subordinate relationships which are the objects of the syntax level of the language in the work “Gulistan bit Turk” by Sayfi Sarai. The results of the analysis in this work of the writer shows how the elements of the Uzbek literary language has formed and the writer used effectively the linguistic and methodical facilities in subordination. The language of the work is fluent, readable and understandable for readers even though the writer wrote it six centuries ago. Scientific works related to historical Turkic languages are used to interpret the words in the work. In conclusion, the way of subordination is diverse in the work “Gulistan bit Turk” by Sayfi Sarai. This is a sign of the author's high talent. Studying the language of these works will allow learning more about how the Uzbek literary language has developed.
Literary Language, Subordinate Relationships, Management, Contiguity, Cases, Postpositions
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