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Journal of Language, Linguistics and Literature, Vol.1, No.3, Jun. 2015, Pub. Date: Apr. 22, 2015
The Effect of Continuous Self-Assessment for Spanish Learners’ Self-Efficacy: Implications on the Foreign Language Classroom
Pages: 55-64 Views: 4886 Downloads: 1277
Javier Coronado-Aliegro, Department of Modern Languages, Elgin Community College, Elgin, Illinois, USA.
Robert C. Schwartz, School of Counseling, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio, USA.
Self-efficacy is important to students studying a foreign language, however little empirical research to date has investigated how classroom self-assessment practices enhance students’ self-efficacy. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether Spanish students engaging in continuous self-assessment exercises resulted in more self-efficacy compared to students not engaging in classroom self-assessment (N=140). A pre-test, post-test control group research design was used to test this comparison. Results of a 2X2 ANOVA and follow-up analyses revealed that Spanish students who engaged in weekly classroom self-assessment exercises showed statistically significantly higher self-efficacy at the end of one semester (i.e., from pre-test to post-test), whereas students who did not engage in these exercises did not show such an increase. Implications for the foreign language classroom are discussed.
Self-Efficacy, Self-Assessment, Spanish, Foreign Language
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