Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering
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Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering, Vol.1, No.4, Oct. 2015, Pub. Date: Oct. 19, 2015
Germination Response of Eruca sativa to Different Concentration of KCl
Pages: 189-192 Views: 2918 Downloads: 2226
[01] Taha Mohammed Sharief Mohammed, Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zalingei, Zalingei, Darfur, Sudan.
[02] Farha Adam Othman Abd Elrahman, Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zalingei, Zalingei, Darfur, Sudan.
The germination responses of Eruca sativa Mill. seeds to saline stress caused by different concentration of potassium chloride was studied. For this purpose, 100 seeds of mentioned species were placed on filter paper in each replicate of Petri dish containing distilled water (control), 1 ppm, 2 ppm, 3 ppm, 4 ppm and 5 ppm of KCl. The results indicated that saline levels effects were significant (P < 0.05) for seed germination percentage, seed germination velocity, mean time to germination and seed vigor. Seed germination decreased significantly by increasing salinity levels. Also, the results showed that Eruca sativa Mill. is very sensitive to potassium chloride as salt causing salinity.
Salinity Stress, KCl, Germination, Seed Vigor, Eruca sativa Mill
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