Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering
Articles Information
Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering, Vol.3, No.5, Oct. 2017, Pub. Date: Nov. 16, 2017
Agroforestry Methods on Community Empowermentin theSesaot Community Forest Management and Conservation in West Lombok - Indonesia
Pages: 49-54 Views: 2211 Downloads: 760
[01] Ni Wayan Putu Meikapasa, Faculty of Agriculture, MahasaraswatiUniversityof Mataram, Mataram, Indonesia.
[02] Dewa Gede Suartha, Faculty of Agriculture, MahasaraswatiUniversityof Mataram, Mataram, Indonesia.
[03] Theresia Suzanna Catharina, Faculty of Agriculture, MahasaraswatiUniversityof Mataram, Mataram, Indonesia.
[04] Made Suma Wedastra, Faculty of Agriculture, MahasaraswatiUniversityof Mataram, Mataram, Indonesia.
In the pattern of community forest, community involvement in forest management is expected to improve the welfare of rural communities around the forests. The purpose of this research is the creation of land use patterns based on forest conservation by the local community, the creation of agroforestry model of entrepreneurship on forest land use by communities around the forest community, community empowerment using agroforestry model of entrepreneurship as an alternative effort management of community forest conservation at the same time. The research was conducted in the villages around the community forest Sesaot, District Narmada, Lombok Barat. The sample in this study is participating farmer households which is determined as many as 60 people in accidental sampling. Primary data that have been collected and tabulated then analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed that agroforestry systems developed in forest land is by planting various kinds of wood plants (Sengon and Mahogany), fruits (durian, rambutan, jackfruit, mango, Duku, hazelnut, avocado) and seasonal crops (crops). The average income of farmers from farming agroforestry for Rp.1.985, 277, - / land / crops (2-3 harvests / year). Community contribution towards development and community forest management is high with a score of 165.34. With the maintenance of forest plants and agricultural crops in addition to forest ecosystem conservation, farmers can also gain from annual crops and fruit trees.
Community Forest, Agroforestry, Entrepreneurship, Forest Management, Conservation
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