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Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering, Vol.5, No.1, Mar. 2019, Pub. Date: Mar. 6, 2019
Analysis of Market Performance of Small Ruminants in Gombe State Nigeria
Pages: 1-13 Views: 1837 Downloads: 1295
Abdullahi Saleh, Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Federal University, Kashere, Nigeria.
Yau Adamu, Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Federal University, Kashere, Nigeria.
Isiaka Mohammed, Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Nigeria.
Kubra Hamidu, Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Federal University, Kashere, Nigeria.
Shuaib Yau, Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Federal University, Kashere, Nigeria.
Mohammed Hussaini Sani, Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Nigeria.
The study examined the marketing performance of sheep in Gombe metropolis. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 91 sheep marketers from four markets. Data were collected using structured questionnaire and were analysed using descriptive statistics, farm budget, maximisation of consumer satisfaction and multiple regression models. The results revealed that, the mean age of sheep marketers was 40.59 years, 96.70% were males, 86.81% were married, with the majority (87%) had family size ranging from 1 – 20 persons, and had 17.68 mean years of experience. Furthermore, the result revealed that purchasing cost for live animal constituted 92.08% of the total marketing costs. Moreover, the result revealed average net income of ₦ 4,922.46 ($ 13.78) per head of animal was realised; with the gross and operating ratios < 1; meaning that the business was profitable. Also, the returns per naira/dollar invested was ₦ 0.18 ($ 0.00050). Also, the marketing coefficient (38.89%) of Tike-Jauro-Abare market, revealed to be most efficient. The coefficient of multiple determinations (R2) was 0.821; meaning that 82.10% variations in the total returns of sheep marketers were influenced by the socio-economic characteristics included in the regression model. The result also revealed that, number of animals held per week was significant (P<0.01). Inadequate capital was critical; which was attributed to inadequate sources of credits. Market facilities such as clean environment and security were also lacking. However, improvement in the existing infrastructural facilities will help promote expansion of the present scale of operations. Governments and other financial institutions should do more to extend funds as soft loans to the marketers to improve efficiency.
Market, Performance, Profit, Efficiency, Sheep, Marketing, Gombe
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