Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering
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Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering, Vol.5, No.1, Mar. 2019, Pub. Date: Apr. 17, 2019
Progressive Review on Use of Desiccant Drying in Agricultural Applications
Pages: 24-31 Views: 1841 Downloads: 1401
[01] Jani Dilip Batukray, Department of Mechanical Engineering, GEC-Dahod, Gujarat Technological University (GTU), Ahmedabad, India.
The review emphasizes on the use of desiccant based drying system for the storage of agricultural products. The chilling sensitivity of the tropical fruits and vegetables makes this system more promising for their optimal storage. The food preservation is very important in all over the world. Most of the food products are obtained from agricultural so it is essential that preservation of food for long time therefore the moisture removal from agricultural products is also important. The use of freely available renewable solar in natural drying process is traditional process which is used for removing the moisture from agricultural grains. The solar drying is possible only during sunshine hours. So that the time required for drying is longer. In this paper the objective is that, it can also dry the agricultural products in off sunshine hours. In off sunshine hours drying is operated by solid desiccant material which is also the adsorbent. The moisture removal rate of solid desiccant is increase by almost 25% and time required for drying is minimised. Furthermore, the drying efficiency of desiccant based dehumidification and drying system increased approximately as compare to conventional solar drying process.
Adsorbent, Desiccant Drying, Desorption, Regeneration, Solar Drying
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