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Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering, Vol.6, No.2, Jun. 2020, Pub. Date: Jul. 7, 2020
Application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) Based Rainfall-Runoff Model for Flood Forecasting
Pages: 17-25 Views: 1573 Downloads: 433
Mohmed Abdallah Mohmed Abdalhi, Hydrology and Water Resources Department, Hohai University, Nanjing City, People’s Republic of China; Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Fish Sciences, Al-Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan.
Zhang Jingyi, Hydrology and Water Resources Department, Hohai University, Nanjing City, People’s Republic of China.
Osama Osman Ali, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Fish Sciences, Al-Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan.
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are Soft computing models usually used to emulate the processes of the human nervous system in order to reach successful solutions for the complicated problems in the various fields of sciences and recently, have been widely applied in hydrological modeling. In this study, an ANN was used to model the rainfall-runoff relationship, precisely, to forecast daily runoff as a function of daily precipitation, and self-adjust training was done to produce consistent response with observed outputs. Eight years of input data were divided into two sets as three years (1992-1994) for calibration/training and five years (1995-1999) for validation/testing, collected from catchment located Longyan - China. The two data sets were used to minimize the error and avoiding the overtrained of ANN employed. The ANN rainfall-runoff model assessed and compared with results obtained using existing techniques including coefficient of determination (R²) and error in volume (VE) as simple linear (black box) model. As an expected for the data used in training and testing, a good matching is obtained in the present case between observed runoff and those computed by ANN model. The obtained results of R² and VE prove a success and optimality of ANN model to predict the study catchment runoff from rainfall observed data with fairly high precision performance.
Artificial Neural Network, Catchment, Calibration, Validation, Linear Model, Rainfall-runoff Modeling
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