Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering
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Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering, Vol.7, No.3, Sep. 2021, Pub. Date: Jul. 26, 2021
Effects of Animal Based Manures (Bone Meal, Earthworm Cast and Crab Shell) on the Growth of Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.)
Pages: 43-49 Views: 995 Downloads: 233
[01] Olasan Olalekan Joseph, Plant Science and Biotechnology Unit, Department of Botany, College of Science, University of Agriculture Makurdi, Makurdi, Nigeria.
[02] Aguoru Celestine Uzoma, Plant Science and Biotechnology Unit, Department of Botany, College of Science, University of Agriculture Makurdi, Makurdi, Nigeria.
[03] Omoigui Lucky Osabuohien, Department of Plant Breeding and Seed Science, College of Agronomy, University of Agriculture Makurdi, Makurdi, Nigeria.
[04] Awoji Patience, Plant Science and Biotechnology Unit, Department of Botany, College of Science, University of Agriculture Makurdi, Makurdi, Nigeria.
This study was carried out to determine the effect of selected animal based organic manures namely: bone meal (BM), earthworm cast (EC) and crab shell (CS) on the germination and growth of groundnut varieties. Manure treatments at different levels (2g and 4g) were prepared and applied singly and in combined forms in an experimental set up of randomized complete block design. The total experimental unit was 108. Data were collected and analyzed using ANOVA on the Minitab 16.0 software. In bone meal, 2g of treatment gave the highest seedling vigour in variety IT06K-111 while 4g level gave the highest number of leaves (137.17) and widest stem in IT07K-243-1-2. Response to crab shell showed that the highest plant spread (8.61 cm) was obtained in IT06K-134 treated with 2g of crab shell while 4g level produced the largest leaf sizes (2.85 cm) in IT06K-111. Earthworm cast at 4g produced large quantity of leaves (132.67) in variety IT07K-243-1-2 Combined effects of BM+EC+CS also produced significant changes on the growth parameters notably the large quantity of leaves produced at 2g combined level in IT07K-243-1-2. The three groundnut varieties grew better under the influence of the three manure types used compared with the control and NPK fertilizer. Performances were highest in the bone meal treatments. The combined effect of the three of manure showed higher growth performance than the single effect of the manures. Therefore, application of the highlighted organic treatments would enhance groundnut production. It would also provide a solution to land pollution as result of wastes generated from animals slaughter houses which could be utilized in organic farming. The use of inorganic fertilizer would be limited in the long run to ensure safety of the environment.
Animal Wastes, Manure, Groundnut, Productivity, Environmental Management
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