Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering
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Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering, Vol.7, No.3, Sep. 2021, Pub. Date: Jul. 28, 2021
Effects of Plant Leaf Wastes on the Growth and Yield Performance of Three Amaranthus Species
Pages: 50-57 Views: 1000 Downloads: 218
[01] Aguoru Celestine Uzoma, Plant Science and Biotechnology Unit, Department of Botany, University of Agriculture Makurdi, Makurdi, Nigeria.
[02] Olasan Joseph Olalekan, Plant Science and Biotechnology Unit, Department of Botany, University of Agriculture Makurdi, Makurdi, Nigeria.
[03] Atachin Elizabeth Torkwase, Plant Science and Biotechnology Unit, Department of Botany, University of Agriculture Makurdi, Makurdi, Nigeria.
The aim of this work was to study the effect of leaf wastes from Moringa oleifera (MO), Terminalia catappa (TC) and Terminalia mantaly (TM) on the growth and yield performance of three parameters of Amaranthus species: A. tricolor (AT), A. blitum (AB) and A. dubius (AD). This experiment was carried out in a randomised complete block design. Data were collected on visible characters before and after treatment applications and analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics (ANOVA). Highest seedling vigour (6.00±0.01) was recorded in the control AT plants (without treatments) while the tallest plants were observed (20.12±0.02) in AB species treated with TC (100g). The shortest plant height was 18.12±0.10 recorded in AT species treated with TC at 200g application. Number of leaves was highest (31.02±0.11) in AC plant treated with TC at 100g while number of leaves was lowest (24.89+0.12) in the same species treated with NPK (1.5g). Plant was highest (15.33±0.04) in the AB plant under the TC treatment at 200g. Stem circumference was highest (1.44+0.00) in AC under TC treatment at 100g application and lowest (0.9+0.04) in AC under the same treatment at 100g application. No significant difference was (p >0.05) was obtained in all parameters under study. Application of TM leaf wastes had no significant effect (p>0.05) on the germination of Amaranthus seeds across the different treatment rates. Almost the same germination count and germination percentage (3.00+0.00) (100.00+0.34)) was recorded across the different levels of varieties except in AT variety under the NPK (1.5g) treatment and control experiment. Highest seedling vigour (6.00+0.03) was recorded in AT plants. Therefore, Terminalia catappa was the most effective organic manure compared to other compost types. The Amaranthus tricolor (AT), and Amaranthus cruentus (AC) species responded better to the application of leaf manures followed by the Amaranthus blitum (AB). A combination of the three organic manures produced better growth output than their single nature. Therefore, the use of leaf compost is recommended in the sustainable production of leafy vegetables and to avert the environmental problems associated with inorganic fertilizers.
Amaranthus, Leaf Litters, Productivity, Manure, Animal Wastes, Environment
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