Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering
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Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering, Vol.1, No.3, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Jun. 10, 2015
Characterisation of Urban Forest Nurseries: A Case Study of Harare Suburbs in Zimbabwe
Pages: 101-107 Views: 5095 Downloads: 1584
[01] Silas Mufambi Mudyiwa, Department of Environmental Science, Bindura University of Science Education, Bindura, Zimbabwe.
[02] Tendayi Nyamugure, Department of Environmental Science, Bindura University of Science Education, Bindura, Zimbabwe.
[03] Tendai Chitagu, Department of Environmental Science, Bindura University of Science Education, Bindura, Zimbabwe.
[04] Alfred Kundhlande, Department of Environmental Science, Bindura University of Science Education, Bindura, Zimbabwe.
The study aimed to characterise urban forest nurseries with respect to nine Harare suburbs. Dzivarasekwa, Epworth and Kambuzuma represented high density suburbs, while the medium density was represented by Mabelreign, Waterfalls and Warren Park with Highlands, Chisipiti, and Mandara representing low density suburbs. Stratified random sampling was used to select the study sites. Data collection was carried out using structured and unstructured questionnaires, key informant interviews and observations. Data were analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 16 through one way Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA). A total of 40 nurseries were identified within the suburbs and the key players in the business were individuals (83 %), non-governmental organisations and public organisations. There was a significant difference between the number of nurseries located in the high and medium density suburbs and those in the low density suburbs. Males dominated the trade (85 %) than women. Most nurseries (65 %) were compliant in terms of registration though few could not meet the registration requirements. Nursery operators were constrained by finance, limited operational space, theft and irrigation water. It is recommended that training be done in nursery management. Associations can also be helpful in gaining recognition by City Council and EMA and this can harness opportunities for thriving business.
Urban Forest, Nursery, Characterization, Constraints
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