Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering
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Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering, Vol.1, No.3, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Jun. 24, 2015
The Effects of Deficit Irrigation Regimes on Yield and Growth Components of Linseed (Linum Usitatissimum L.)
Pages: 108-113 Views: 4634 Downloads: 1379
[01] Ahmet Istanbulluoglu, Namik Kemal University, Agricultural Faculty, Biosystem Engineering Department, Tekirdağ, Turkey.
[02] Fatih Konukcu, Namik Kemal University, Agricultural Faculty, Biosystem Engineering Department, Tekirdağ, Turkey.
[03] Israfil Kocaman, Namik Kemal University, Agricultural Faculty, Biosystem Engineering Department, Tekirdağ, Turkey.
[04] Mehmet Sener, Namik Kemal University, Agricultural Faculty, Biosystem Engineering Department, Tekirdağ, Turkey.
A field study was carried out in order to determine the effect of deficit irrigation regime on grain and oil yield, seasonal evapotranspiration, yield response to water, water use efficiency and linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) growth in Trakya region, Turkey. The field trials were conducted on a clay loam Entisol soil with Raulin, regionally most popular variety. The trials experimental design was randomized complete blocks with three replications. Three well-known growth stages of the plant were considered and total of 8 irrigation treatments (including rain). The effect of irrigation and water stress at any stage of development was studied on the following variables: grain yield per hectare, tgrain weight, oil yield and plant growth. For the non-stressed treatment, the seasonal irrigation water use and evapotranspiration were 270 and 730 mm, respectively, and linseed grain yield was 2.85 t/ha. The seasonal yield response factor value was 1.32. The total water use efficiency was in the range 3.0 to 4.1 kg/ha/mm depending on the deficit irrigation regime. Results showed that linseed was significantly affected by water stress during the sensitive flowering stage (include statistic results), with the highest yield obtained from non-stressed treatment during the flowering, yield formation and ripening stages.
Evapotranspiration, Deficit Irrigation, Linseed, Grain Yield, Yield Response to Water, Plant Growth Components
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