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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.1, No.3, Jul. 2015, Pub. Date: Jun. 13, 2015
Senior Cohousing Residential Design Features for Perceived Autonomy
Pages: 258-265 Views: 5240 Downloads: 1423
Mihyun Kang, Design, Housing and Merchandising, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA.
Melinda Lyon, Design, Housing and Merchandising, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA.
Jessy Kramp, Applications/Specification Sales, Bell & McCoy Lighting and Control, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA.
This study examined the perceptions of older adults concerning which residential design features would be beneficial in senior cohousing. This study sought to understand design features promoting perceived autonomy for older adults. Interviews and a focus group were conducted with a purposive sample of older adults in the Midwest who were in the process of organizing a senior cohousing community. Grounded theory and the computer software NVivo were employed to identify reoccurring themes and design features. Five themes related to residential design for senior cohousing were recognized: Personalization, Social Engagement, Privacy, Universal Design, and Nature Involvement. A total of ten design features were identified: Display Space, Easy Upkeep, Great Room, House Orientation, Front Porch, Patio, Retreat, Space, Barrier Free Environment, Accessible Storage, and Natural Light. This study could be used to further enlighten older adults and the general public to a new alternative for housing in later life.
Aging, Older Adults, Perceived Autonomy, Residential Design Feature, Senior Cohousing
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