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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.1, No.5, Nov. 2015, Pub. Date: Nov. 19, 2015
"Investigating the Nature of Intangible Brain-Machine Interaction "
Pages: 499-508 Views: 4163 Downloads: 1013
Fotini Pallikari, Solid State Physics Depatment, Faculty of Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
The hypothesis that direct human intention can modulate the concurrent outcomes of a stochastic process has been under test for over 30 years, surrounded by inconclusive evidence and a great amount of ambiguity. An increased interest has recently and prematurely risen concerning possible scientific applications of such effects. The amassed information around the purported phenomena, as presented in a meta-analysis [1], is thoroughly re-examined here through the application of several recognised mathematical tools. It is shown that there exists no validation of the hypothesis of brain-machine interaction precisely in absence of interface devices. It is concluded that any evidence in favour of the alleged intangible brain-machine effects, must have resulted from unintended errors during data collection and treatment, known as “the experimenter expectancy effect”.
"Random Number Generators, Mental Process, Markov Process, Meta-Analysis, Rescaled Range Analysis, Experimenter Expectancy Effect "
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