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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.2, No.1, Jan. 2016, Pub. Date: Jan. 18, 2016
Factors Responsible for Youth Migration to the City: The Case of Ghana
Pages: 10-22 Views: 3517 Downloads: 2763
David A. Edwin, Department of Social Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
Evam Kofi Glover, The School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana.
One of the major concerns in Ghana, like in most developing countries today, is how to manage the influx of youth migration from rural north to cities in urban south; in search of opportunities and a better life. The present study was undertaken generally for the purpose of investigating the causes of rural-urban migration of youth from northern Ghana to southern Ghana, with a view of providing insights into the growth, direction, and continuation of internal migration flows in Ghana. More specifically, the aim of the study was to investigate the pull factors influencing in-migration; to investigate the push factors influencing out-migration and to recommend policy and programme interventions for strengthening support programme activities for migrants. The study, therefore, attempts to answer the following questions: What are the push factors affecting out-migration? What are the pull factors affecting in-migration? What policy and programme interventions can help strengthen support programme activities for migrants? The study involved a cross-sectional survey conducted with a total of 89 respondents randomly selected from the list of beneficiaries of a NGO programme in Tamale in Ghana, through questionnaire-based interviews, focus group discussions and participant observation. Results show that major factors triggering migration in the northern sector comprise a complex mix of pull and push factors which include learning vocation, social amenities, freedom, general poverty, inability of parents to play their roles, poor job availability in the rural areas. The study suggests that the Government should find more innovative strategies to empower rural communities in other forms of income generating activities such as providing access to skill training and micro-credit facilities that could give better livelihoods to parents and support for families in especially rural areas in Ghana.
Ghana, Migration, Non-governmental Organizations, Pull Factor, Push Factor, Tamale, Youth
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