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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.2, No.2, Mar. 2016, Pub. Date: Apr. 28, 2016
Probability Hypothesis and Evidence of Astronomical Observatories in Ancient Egypt
Pages: 31-50 Views: 3364 Downloads: 1970
[01] Ayman Waziry, Egyptology Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, AlFayoum, Egypt.
Ancient Egyptians constructed their temples and tombs in a precise orientation to specific astronomical points, as seen in the designs of the Old Kingdom pyramids and related temples. This precise orientation is seen in many religious and funerary buildings across the sequential historical epochs of ancient Egypt. This research introduces what can be called "astronomical design improvements" created by ancient Egyptians in order to better secure the precise orientation of religious and funerary monuments. Moreover, this precise orientation requires observatories to be built and used for the orientation and monitoring of celestial objects in order to determine geographical directions. Therefore, this paper discusses the Probability or Possibility hypothesis of Evidences of the existence of Astronomical Observatories in ancient Egypt, the Probability hypothesis leads to suppose the statistical evidences of this research.
Observer, Monitoring, Astronomical Improvements, Observatories, Solstice, Axial Precession, Azimuth
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