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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.3, No.2, Mar. 2017, Pub. Date: Aug. 28, 2017
A Case Study of a Rural Senior Cohousing Community with Attention Restoration and Nature
Pages: 9-18 Views: 2461 Downloads: 916
Melissa Lies, Healthcare Interior Design, KKT Architects, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.
Mihyun Kang, Department of Design, Housing and Merchandising, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA.
Exposure and interaction with nature provides benefits to individuals, including older adults. The purpose of this study was to examine design features of senior cohousing communities that connect older adults to nature, and explore the connections of the design features with the Attention Restoration Theory. The importance and presence of nature in older adult facilities, especially senior cohousing communities needs to be considered. The Attention Restoration Theory’s components of being away, fascination, extent, and compatibility are observed in senior cohousing communities. The component of being away was found in the design features of the individual home back porches and the labyrinth. Fascination was found in the wild and raised flowers throughout the community and large windows. The component of extent was supported in the design feature of the sidewalks throughout the community and the built handrails and nature trails on the edge of the community. Finally, compatibility was seen in the common garden, compost area, Common House patio, sidewalks and windows. The consideration of nature within the development of facilities for older adults, particularly senior cohousing communities, is valuable and necessary for the quality of life of older adults.
Older Adults, Senior Cohousing Communities, Nature, Attention Restoration Theory
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