Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.3, No.1, Jan. 2017, Pub. Date: Jul. 27, 2017
Personal – Social Relationship: Key for Creating Debatable Corruption “Examples from Arab Countries”
Pages: 1-8 Views: 2224 Downloads: 956
[01] Raed Atef, Independent Researcher on Governance and Public Policy, Dubai, UAE.
Personal- social relationship has serious impact over public organizations in Arab culture. Relations are gates for success or failure in people life and career; it can be consider the most needed factor for accomplishment and keep growing. Managers have intention to classify employees with or against them based on their personal relationship; staff whom are classified with their managers usually receive rewards and facilities in away or another. Some people have two faces; they judge corruption from their own benefits; when it goes with their interests then it does not consider corruption. The article focal around one main question: to what extend does relationship affect and cause corruption among public organizations in Arab culture? As a result, separation needed between social and professional life; relatives, friends, personal relationship does involved and has affect on public organizations business. Creating culture based on soul of law and ethics is important to eliminate corruption and building system of governance that allows public and organizations staff to address freely all negative actions.
Corruption, Public Organizations, Personal Relationship, Culture
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