Articles Information
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.5, No.4, Dec. 2019, Pub. Date: Dec. 25, 2019
The Role of Community Self-Initiatives and Development, Khartoum, Sudan
Pages: 432-440 Views: 1364 Downloads: 345
Abdelateif Hassan Ibrahim, Deparment of Agricultural Economics, University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan.
Mohmed Musa Ali Ibrahim, Redr UK, Khartoum, Sudan.
The paper described community self-initiatives of informal and social network of people funding; the middle class in Um Badda; Al-rashedeen area (14) during the period of March-April, (2018), Khartoum, Sudan. Primary data were collected through regular questionnaires and non-probability randomized (purposive) sample of 42 community respondents (25 males and 17 were females). Secondary data were collected from the relevant sources. A set of research tools including; descriptive statistics and logistic regressions were used. The findings of descriptive statistics showed that, the reasons for some; (35.7%) to open small business and trade, (21.4%) for both to buy house or housing purpose and saving respectively, (16.7%) to secure their life in case of illness and only small number of (4.8%) were marriage preparedness. Varieties of barriers are hindering the community did not move to the formal Government (MFIs); (38.1%) due to the collateral funds and loans condition, (35.7%) difficulties of procedures, (16.7%) limitation of the period and duration, the only small number of (9.5%) were small amount of SDG funds given. The results assured that the middle class were shifts to the social and self-initiatives due to; (28.6%) less of risks, (26.2%) it’s simplified, (23.8%) flexibility and just over (21.4%) were the easiest procedures. The contribution share of SDG per person in the two group were (66.7%) are paying SDG 500 per each 2 weeks whereas (33.3%) paying SDG 1000 a month. Findings from this study, suggests that the Research and future Development (R & D) should be focus on community initiatives, multi-stakeholder initiatives and network as a tool to empower the indigenous of urban and rural societies by enhancing their capability to work toward longer term stability. A strategy of engagement that focuses on stimulating community initiatives will enable service providers by amplifying the connective strength of positive community action. This will in turn help community to develop internal assets that can be used to further improve communities/societies development.
Community Development Initiatives, Effective Community Development Initiatives, Community Asset Based Management
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