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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.5, No.1, Mar. 2019, Pub. Date: Mar. 5, 2019
Appraisal of Religious and Moral Education (RME) Curriculum: Pedagogical Knowledge Practices in Junior High Schools (JHSs) in Ghana
Pages: 10-16 Views: 1643 Downloads: 2509
Solomon Appiah, Department of Art and Social Sciences, Enchi College of Education, Enchi, Ghana.
Joseph Mfum-Appiah, Department of Art and Social Sciences, Enchi College of Education, Enchi, Ghana.
The study was conducted to find out teachers’ pedagogical knowledge in the teaching of RME in the Aowin municipality in the Western Region of Ghana. The descriptive survey was the design. The population included all RME students and teachers in the Aowin District. However, a sample population of 33 RME teachers and 98 students were used for the study through simple random sampling technique. Data was analysed using both descriptive. The data was organized into tables, frequencies, percentages and means in line with the research question which guided the study. The study revealed that Teachers also possess adequate pedagogical knowledge which could be used in the classroom. However, most of their motivational strategies were monotonous and their questions mostly demanded lower order thinking skills. The study recommended that teacher preparation programmes should provide opportunities for potential teachers to use pedagogy effectively in their teaching. It is further recommended that teachers vary their motivational strategies in their day-to-day activities in the classroom. They should also ask questions that demand that students employ their higher order thinking skills.
Pedagogical Knowledge, Practices, Religious and Moral Education, Curriculum, Junior High Schools, Aowin Municipality, Ghana
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