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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.5, No.1, Mar. 2019, Pub. Date: Mar. 19, 2019
Sustaining Good Inter-Personal Relationships in Citizenship Education: A Case of Nyankomam R/C Basic School in Aowin Municipality in the Western Region of Ghana
Pages: 25-31 Views: 1543 Downloads: 342
Patrick Kwarteng, Department of Art and Social Sciences, Wiawso College of Education, Sefwi Wiawso, Ghana.
Sylvanus Kofie, Department of Social Science, Fosu College of Education, Assin Fosu, Ghana.
Emmanuel Brew, Department of Social Science, Enchi College of Education, Enchi, Ghana.
Anthony Bordoh, Department of Social Science, Enchi College of Education, Enchi, Ghana.
The study was aimed at using simulation to demonstrate skills for sustaining good inter-personal relationships among pupils of Nyankomam R/C Primary four. The study involved forty-two pupils of Nyankomam R/C Primary four. The entire pupils in the class were chosen purposely for the study. The research instrument used was test. The study sought to answer the following research questions: (a) How can simulation can be used to define the concept good inter-personal relationships among pupils of Nyankomam R/C Primary 4? and (b) What are the importance of sustaining good inter-personal relationships among pupils? The study revealed that majority of the pupils have less knowledge on how to demonstrate skills for sustaining good inter-personal relationships in the pre-test. However, most of pupils had above average marks in the post-test as a result of the simulation technique used to demonstrate skills for sustaining good inter-personal relationships among pupils. It was recommended that teachers must do everything in their capacity to engage pupils in simulation during Citizenship Education lessons since it will create interest in pupils to study the subject.
Simulation, Inter-Personal Relationships, Citizenship Education, Nyankomam, Basic School, Aowin Municipality, Western Region, Ghana
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