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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.5, No.2, Jun. 2019, Pub. Date: Apr. 18, 2019
Higher Education 4.0: The Possibilities and Challenges
Pages: 81-85 Views: 1896 Downloads: 6851
Chiam Chooi Chea, Cluster of Business and Management, Open University Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia.
Joshua Tan Juat Huan, School of Mathematical Sciences, Sunway University, Selangor, Malaysia.
Education has undergone a tremendous change over the past few decades, from the use of blackboard to technology gadgets in the teaching-learning environment. The use of technology tools such as iPads, tablets and interactive videos have been managed to engage learners in a better context. The Education 4.0 is a new trend now and even on the probability and possibility to adopt artificial intelligence in the education context. Educationalists do voice out the concern and urge the need to change education in many ways and at all levels, hence the process of learning will need to change in the near future. Nevertheless, the readiness of stakeholders for these innovative changes in terms of technology, knowledge and skills is a question mark. Education 4.0 has been implemented by several countries and the outcome of it, as expected by educationists, does not seem to be in a favourable state. This is because there are many areas that need to be improved, such as the assessment types, cybergogy’s philosophy, agility of governance, sustainability and many more. This paper aims to discuss the evolution of education, Education 4.0’s outlook in the future, possible challenges and its expected outcomes. It would be able to provide an outlook to the stakeholders on the adaptability, possibility of implementing the Education 4.0.
Education 4.0, Stakeholders, Interactive
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