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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.5, No.3, Sep. 2019, Pub. Date: May 31, 2019
Local History as Geometry for Humanity Science by Using Cartesian Coordinates System
Pages: 139-148 Views: 2271 Downloads: 1038
Mohammadreza Shahidipak, Department of Arts and Humanities, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.
Medieval is the essential part of the classical history of the world, local historian in medieval presented paradigm for local and regional history, in schools of local historiography. They attend in local and investigated events deep and close and used a variety of archives and classified any coordinates. The software for categorizing these coordinates is the mind of the historian whose aware of philosophy, jurisprudence, law, theology, history, geography, political science, anthropology, ethnology and some of the sciences and knowledges. Local historian in fact, combines and broadens the range of changes related to natural, social, thought and power and the aim of this setting coordinates is Social control. The volume of many material of local history was produced in the middle ages by leaders of local history. The first encyclopedia of local history and historical geography include hundreds of local history coordinates it was written after long travels by Yaqut (1229) in Levant. the problem is why in the middle ages this massive amount of local history was produced. In modern era, human mind still strives to classify the aforementioned changes into the medieval style but in new scientific method by using cartesian coordinates system to So that it can be categorized more precisely and comprehensively for achievement to applied and Practical results. The present research proves the validity of the local history style as part of the common structure of the human mind, which, in each place and time, elaborates the coordinates for a road map of social control. In fact, local history can play the role of geometry in the humanities. The present paper describes and approves the success rate of using the cartesian coordinates system in sciences of humanity. According to the opinion of researcher, the use of the cartesian coordinates system in the field of humanities is successful from the entry of local history because local history has worked as a successful paradigm for categorizing and analyzing all information in a local community. Therefor history is applied science and local historians such as engineer of history have measured events that can be used for everyday life. This method of historiography serves as an application of the history knowledge and provides historians with a special place in social decision for management and control. Local history data is used in urban planning and to solve and control border crises, and to determine political anatomy of local region. Today comprehensive urban plans are set according to local history data. it is effective in determining the river's interior, mountain and is used for graphic design of the historical, cultural and religious furniture of the city.
Coordinates, Local history, Medieval, Cartesian Coordinates System, Paradigm
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