Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.5, No.3, Sep. 2019, Pub. Date: Jun. 4, 2019
Rationale of Taboo Practices in Akwamu in the Eastern Region of Ghana
Pages: 274-286 Views: 1549 Downloads: 2407
[01] Bismark Kwasi Osei, Department of Social Science, Seventh Day Adventist College of Education, Koforidua, Asokore, Ghana.
[02] Shirley Dankwa, Centre for African Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences Education, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana.
Beliefs and practices of taboos promote unity and corporation among the people of Akwamu. A qualitative approach and phenomenological design were employed in this study. The main instruments used in gathering relevant data for the study were interview, observation and relevant information from documentary sources. In all, forty respondents comprising family heads, chiefs, queen mothers, Christians and Muslims were purposively selected for the study based on their knowledge in the relevance of taboo practices in Akwamu traditional area. The findings of the study indicated that taboos have played significant roles in the lives of the people of Akwamu in the past and continue to play similar roles in contemporary times among the people. It is therefore recommended that financial assistance must be given to the chieftaincy institution to organize training workshops and durbars to increase people’s awareness about the importance of taboos in the Akwamu society.
Akwamu, Chieftaincy, Deity, Eastern Region, Ghana, Practices, Rationale, Taboo
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