Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.5, No.3, Sep. 2019, Pub. Date: Jun. 15, 2019
Evaluating the Stakeholders’ Involvement in the Provision of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (Wash) Activities in Public Schools, Ghana
Pages: 298-307 Views: 1504 Downloads: 603
[01] Hans Kwaku Duah, Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Berekum College of Education, Berekum, Ghana.
[02] John Kwaku Bofa, Department of Community Development, Sunyani West District Assembly, Sunyani, Ghana.
[03] Ernest Apraku, Department of Social Science and Humanities, Berekum College of Education, Berekum, Ghana.
[04] Justice Ofosu Darko Fenteng, Department of Social Science and Humanities, Berekum College of Education, Berekum, Ghana.
This study sought to assess the level of involvement and provision of water, sanitation and hygiene practices (WASH) by stakeholders for public basic schools in the Fiapre circuit of the Sunyani West Education Directorate. A mixed method study approach was used. The key instruments used for the data collection were questionnaires, interviews and observation. The participants in the study were officials from public sector institutions, the school teachers, pupils and PTA and SMC officials. The study revealed that sanitation and hygiene facilities available in these schools include toilet, urinal, handwashing materials and solid waste disposal facilities. On toilet facilities available in these schools, only pit latrines with most of them being wooden slaps except the Methodist Basic Schools that have cemented slaps. Almost all the schools have urinal facilities that are cemented. The use of the toilet rolls as the required anal cleansing material was also non-existent in all schools visited, as well as the provision of soap for hand washing. The study recommends that government should assist stakeholders in provision of toilets, urinals, solid waste containers and hand washing facilities which the schools cannot afford.
Stakeholders Involvement, Water, Sanitation, Hygiene
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