Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.5, No.4, Dec. 2019, Pub. Date: Oct. 11, 2019
Association Between Sports Participation and Academic Self-Efficacy Among Medical Students of a Private Medical College, Malaysia, A Cross Sectional Study
Pages: 368-376 Views: 1523 Downloads: 680
[01] Soundarya Palaniappan, Faculty of Medicine, Meleka Manipal Medical College, (Manipal Academy of Higher Education), Melaka, Malaysia.
[02] Havena Rajeendran, Faculty of Medicine, Meleka Manipal Medical College, (Manipal Academy of Higher Education), Melaka, Malaysia.
[03] Derrick Lee Chuen Yew, Faculty of Medicine, Meleka Manipal Medical College, (Manipal Academy of Higher Education), Melaka, Malaysia.
[04] Praveen Raaj Krishnan, Faculty of Medicine, Meleka Manipal Medical College, (Manipal Academy of Higher Education), Melaka, Malaysia.
Academic self-efficacy refers to a student’s confidence in his or her abilities to successfully perform academic activities at a desired level. This research study the effect of sports participation on academic self-efficacy among medical students. A structured questionnaire was employed to collect data from medical students in private medical college, Malaysia campus where 185 students participated in the study. The outcome of the study supported our study’s hypothesis, which revealed the significant association between sports participation and academic self-efficacy. Students participated in sports have higher academic self–efficacy. Our study also showed that there is significantly less sports participation among female compared to male. Only 43.6% of female participated in sports compared to the 62.7% of male who participated in sports. Although many studies have documented a link between sports participation and academic self-efficacy, more studies might want to explore this with varying samples, such as non-medical colleges.
Self-Efficacy, Sports, Medical Students, Survey
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