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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.5, No.4, Dec. 2019, Pub. Date: Sep. 6, 2019
The Impact of Home Computer and Internet Access on NAEP Science Scores
Pages: 339-349 Views: 1553 Downloads: 415
Robert Lee Norman, Department of Teacher Education and Professional Development, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, USA.
Mingyuan Zhang, Department of Teacher Education and Professional Development, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, USA.
This study conducted a secondary analysis of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) assessment, exploring the effect of home computer and internet access on science average scale scores among 8th grade students. In order to gain a better understanding of the impact of home computer and internet access on NAEP Science scores of 8th grade students, this study used a quantitative descriptive research design to analyze secondary data extracted from the 2015 NAEP data set. The results by the NAEP Data Explorer indicate that the average scale score of students who had home access to a computer (M=156.29, SD=33.14) was significantly higher (p<.05) than students without home access to a computer (M=136.37, SD=34.48). On the question of home internet access, the results showed that the average scale score of students who had home internet access (M=155.56, SD=32.94) was significantly higher (p<.05) than students without home internet access (M=134.92, SD=40.03). The results indicate a significant advantage for students with home access to technology but may point to more complex socioeconomic factors beyond ownership of a computer or connection to the internet.
NAEP, Science, Assessments, Home Factors, Computers, Internet
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