Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.5, No.4, Dec. 2019, Pub. Date: Oct. 17, 2019
Leadership Practices of Principals of Colleges of Education and Their Influence on Students’ Academic Performance in Ghana
Pages: 388-396 Views: 1469 Downloads: 402
[01] Peter Atakora Ofori, Department of Education, Texila American University, Guyana, South America.
Principals of colleges of education play a central role in the achievement of academic excellence in these colleges. Based on a cross-sectional study involving 8 College Principals who were sampled using purposive sampling technique, this study assesses the impact of leadership practices of college Principals on the academic performance of students in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Individual surveys were used as data collection methods to assess the situation. The study results showed that principals mainly adopted inspire a shared vision leadership practice in the administration of the colleges while challenge the process practice was adopted on a very low level. The results also showed weak negative correlations between model the way, challenge the process and enable others to act practices, and students’ academic performance. The results therefore showed no significant relationship between the three leadership practices and students’ academic performance. However, the study also revealed a moderately positive relationship between inspire a shared vision practice and students’ academic performance. This implies that the strengthening of the application of the practice will help achieve improvement in students’ academic performance. The study recommends that studies should be conducted to assess how the other leadership practices could be used to improve upon the academic performance of students.
Leadership Practices, Academic Performance, Principal, College of Education, Ashanti Region, Ghana
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