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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.5, No.4, Dec. 2019, Pub. Date: Dec. 11, 2019
Research on Teaching Strategies to Realize Mathematical Understanding in University Mathematics Classes
Pages: 428-431 Views: 1400 Downloads: 394
Hao Li, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China.
Zezhong Yang, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China.
Mathematical understanding is one of the hot topics in the research of mathematics education in recent years. Many articles and Monographs on mathematics understanding have been found in the search keyword "Mathematics understanding" on CNKI. However, most of the research content is based on primary and secondary school mathematics, ignoring university mathematics. University mathematics as an important part of mathematics education has been lack of relevant research. Therefore, in view of the current research gaps, the author uses the literature research method. Firstly, to study the cognitive process and characteristics of college students and the characteristics of college mathematics. Secondly, the author puts forward four teaching strategies to realize mathematical understanding in college mathematics class by comparing the mathematical understanding in senior high school. It lays a foundation for the further study of mathematical understanding in university mathematics.
Understanding, Mathematical Understanding, University Mathematics, Teaching Strategies
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