Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.5, No.4, Dec. 2019, Pub. Date: Dec. 27, 2019
Sources of Adolescent Reproductive Health Education and Its Influence on Sex Choices Among Senior High School Students
Pages: 481-494 Views: 1508 Downloads: 408
[01] Irene Afua Kuranchie, Social Studies Education Department, Social Sciences Education Department, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana.
[02] Lucy Effeh Attom, Social Studies Education Department, Social Sciences Education Department, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana.
The purpose of the study was to assess whether students’ knowledge in Adolescent Reproductive Health Education (ARHE) in the Agona East District has influence on their sex choices. The study employed exploratory-descriptive survey design with mixed method approach and used questionnaire and interview for data collection. Out of the population of 4852 students, a sample of 485 students was used. Four hundred and two students (retention rate of 82.9%) completed and returned the questionnaire. Descriptive, regression analyses were used in analysing the quantitative data, while thematic analysis was used for the qualitative data on factors influencing sexual choices. The study revealed that students scored high in all ARHE knowledge areas tested in the questionnaire. Some students were coerced to make sex choices. There was significantly positive relationship (r=.100, p < .05) between Biology and sexual choices. Again, a positive effect existed between parental control and sexual choices. More so, mass media had positive effect (r=.216, p < .05) on sexual choices. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the government of Ghana should consider looking beyond the use of school subjects as a way of shaping behaviours of adolescents and resort to the use of encouraging all adult to take up the task of educating adolescent on ARHE and sex choices. It was also recommended that parents should be encouraged to seek comprehensive knowledge in Adolescent Reproductive Health Education to beef up parental guidance to adolescents within the district to address issues such as sexual relationship and early debut in sex practices. Further, with respect to mass media predicting sex practices, government through National Media Commission should be strict on ensuring censorship in airing prohibited contents.
Adolescents, Adolescent Reproductive Health Education, Ghana, Senior High School, Sex Choices, Students
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