Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.6, No.3, Sep. 2020, Pub. Date: Jul. 7, 2020
Literature Review of Early Childhood Physical Education Practices
Pages: 166-173 Views: 1362 Downloads: 300
[01] Ann-Catherine Sullivan, Department of Health, Physical Education & Exercise Science, Norfolk State University, Norfolk, United States.
Physical Education programs are designed to provide students with positive learning experiences, which can often contribute to social opportunities where children may interact with their peers. This paper provides a literature review of the following areas of early childhood education and development; dynamic systems theory, maximum and appropriate practice, preschool physical education, preschool movement experiences, play and play environments. Dynamic systems theory purports that systems are constantly undergoing changes due to the individuals physical development, the task at hand, and/or the environment one is exposed to. This theory supports the emphasis on maximum and appropriate practice within the education environment. Research suggested that practice conditions for all children, due to their diverse levels of motor abilities, should include maximum, appropriate practice which facilitates high levels of student success that leads to student learning. Preschool physical education classes should obtain structure but the typically rigid elementary class would not be developmentally appropriate for this age level. Similarly, early childhood classes should be structured to allow for a short skill introduction followed by play which may or may not directly include the skill taught. However, the classroom theme would be reinforced throughout all activities with in the classroom environment. Kinesthetic perception is especially integral due to its association with body awareness, spatial awareness, directional awareness, and temporal awareness. Children expand their knowledge base and tactical awareness through their sense of touch and object manipulation. Therefore, this review has been structured to discuss literature related to “best practices” in early childhood physical education as it links to play and dynamic systems theory.
Dynamic Systems Theory, Play, Maximum Practice, Appropriate Practice, Preschool Physical Education, Preschool Movement Experiences, Play Environment, United States
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