Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.1, No.2, May 2015, Pub. Date: Apr. 22, 2015
Cyber-Bullying in the Online Classroom: Planning, Training, and Policies to Protect Online Instructors
Pages: 67-74 Views: 5191 Downloads: 1507
[01] Michael T. Eskey, Criminal Justice Administration, Park University, Parkville, MO USA.
[02] Henry Roehrich, Marketing & Management, Park University, Parkville, MO USA.
The advent of online learning has created the medium for cyber-bullying in the virtual classroom and also by e-mail. Bullying is commonly found in the workplace and between students in the classroom. Most recently, however, faculty members have become surprising targets of online bullying. For many educational institutions, there are no established policies nor is training provided on how to react. The current research defines the problem, reviews the findings of a cyber-bullying survey, and explores recommendations for addressing cyber-bullying through policies, training, and professional development.
Cyber-Bullying, Bullying, Online Learning, Distance Learning
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