Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.6, No.3, Sep. 2020, Pub. Date: Jul. 15, 2020
Construction Management of Islamic Education in Mosque Informing Religious Behavior of Worshiper (Case Study at Jogokariyan Mosque in Yogyakarta)
Pages: 201-208 Views: 1458 Downloads: 686
[01] Mulyono Najamuddin, Islamic Education Doctoral Program, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, East Java, Indonesia.
The mosque is a reflection of the progress of thinking of a nation, marked by the emergence of social life activities in it. The mosque does not only function as a pure ritual place, only a place of prostration as its literal meaning, but has a variety of functions as in the time of the Prophet Muhammad which is currently practiced at the Jogokaryan mosque. This study aims to describe the construction of mosque management and Islamic education management in Jogokariyan Mosque and the religious behavior of their worshipers. This research uses a qualitative approach to the type of case study. This research was conducted at the Jogokariyan mosque in Yogyakarta. Informants were taken purposively, namely several mosque administrators, worshipers, and village administrators of Jogokariyan. Data collected by observation, interview and documentation. Data were analyzed with interactive models from Miles and Huberman. The results showed that the management of the Jogokaryan mosque was based on its vision and mission. For this purpose, programs were developed: (1) madani villages; (2) inviting the surrounding community to pray in congregation; (3) inviting prayer priests from the Middle East and competent preachers in the month of Romadhon; (4) mosque administrators are proportionally recruited; (5) congregational management by mapping them, providing services and empowering them; (6) financial management by making congregational as a financial source. Other sources are "angkringan" stalls, hotels, Baitul Mal foundation, Hajj Brotherhood infaq, parking Infaq, mosque facility rental, and mosque polyclinic services. Islamic education at the mosque is conducted with the “Shubuh” lecture, the Children's Education Park, Wednesday evening study, reciting the traveling teenage Qur'an, Tuesday night study forum, reading riyadus sholihin, “dhuha” forum, the Prophet's trace forum, study of sakinah family associations, study of family ties hajj congregational, the study of young mothers, recitation of Sunday “Legi”, reciting the quran for gentlemen, “Aisyiyah” study, “pesantren” Saturday-Sunday, training for corpse care, romadhon village, Tahfidz House, and rice “shodaqoh”. Religious behavior shown by pilgrims as a result of Islamic education in the mosque: the faith of the pilgrims is clean from superstition, there is an increase: the awareness of donation, harmony between worshipers, prayer in the body of the congregation, the number of converts, memorization of remembrance after the obligatory prayers, and the ability to read and memorize the Quran.
Management, Islamic Education, Mosque, Religious Behavior
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