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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.6, No.3, Sep. 2020, Pub. Date: Jul. 23, 2020
Personality Factors and Effect on Employee Task Performance
Pages: 220-228 Views: 1434 Downloads: 1108
John Nkeobuna Nnah Ugoani, Department of Management Sciences, College of Management and Social Sciences, Rhema University, Aba, Nigeria.
The study was designed to examine the relationship between personality factors and effect on employee task performance because personality traits highly influence human behaviour in the task environment. Personality reflects an individual’s characteristics and behaviours organized in such a manner to show the unique adjustment the person makes to his or her environment. Personality theory is primarily concerned with verifying, explaining, interpreting and predicting human behavior. Personality is a psychological concept that refers to the consistent characteristics and behaviours of an individual towards task achievement. Like organizations, individuals or groups have their goals. To this extent, individual goals differ from one person to another and the underlying cause of this difference is the individual’s level of aspiration which on its own is determined by factors such as past experiences or social order. For example, individuals who have been consistently successful in their life’s endeavours appear to have very high level of aspiration. Understandably, the high level of aspiration associated with the successful person is traceable to the fact that such an individual is very optimistic about life and the future and as a result tries to improve on past performance through goal-directed behaviour and high task performance and achievement. The study conducted through the survey research design involved 150 participants and the result showed positive relationship between the variables of interest. The study had limitations in terms of time and lack of current relevant literature, therefore, further study could examine the relationship between job satisfaction and employee behavior. It was recommended that selection interviews should take cognizance of candidate’s goal direction to ensure proper placement.
Goal-directed Behavior, Personality Characteristics, Task Environment, Past Experiences, Individual Goals, Organizational Goals, Personality Theory, Self-concept, Silent Generation, Employee Characteristics
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