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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.6, No.4, Dec. 2020, Pub. Date: Nov. 6, 2020
Emotional Intelligence as Preventive Strategy for Curbing Corruption: Towards a Model for Building Governance Integrity
Pages: 347-355 Views: 1250 Downloads: 420
John Nkeobuna Nnah Ugoani, Department of Management Sciences, College of Management and Social Sciences, Rhema University, Aba, Nigeria.
Emotional Intelligence relates to competencies that work in synergistic clusters to influence positive outcomes. Academic research in interdisciplinary areas suggests that the construct of emotional intelligence can be applied across diverse areas such as corruption and governance. Integrity as a component of emotional intelligence paves, the way for properly assessing institutional needs as well as adjusting greedy expectations of individuals in society thereby curbing corruption. Corruption is the misapplication of public assets for private gains and the major obstacle against good governance architecture. A strategy for curbing it is therefore imperative to enhance governance integrity characterized by transparency and accountability in public office. This paper therefore, evaluates the relationships between emotional intelligence as a strategy for curbing corruption and enhancing governance integrity, because corruption as a social pandemic continues to undermine good governance around the world. Using qualitative technique of the survey research design and involving 215 participants the paper advocates that emotional intelligence is a preventive strategy for curbing corruption. The result of the investigation indicates that emotional intelligence is crucial in reducing corruption and building governance integrity. This paper offers suggestion about how future study could help in reducing corruption through emotional intelligence, and recommendations for implementation, to improve performance excellence, public confidence and social justice.
Public Policy, Social Pandemic, Interdisciplinary Areas, Moral Soundness, Preventive Strategy, Environmental Situations, Academic Glory, Useful Management Technique
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