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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.6, No.4, Dec. 2020, Pub. Date: Oct. 28, 2020
Academic Performance of Hyperactive Children in Early Grade Schools in Ghana: A Case of Enchi Kramokrom R/C in the Western North Region
Pages: 309-315 Views: 1285 Downloads: 322
William Kwasi Agyei, Department of Education, Seventh Day Adventist College of Education, Asokore- Koforidua, Ghana.
Abu Bakar, Department of Education, Enchi College of Education, Enchi, Ghana.
Anthony Boakye, Department of Education, Wiawso College of Education, Sefwi Wiawso, Ghana.
Regine Kwaw, Department of Education, Enchi College of Education, Enchi, Ghana.
Thomas Sam, Department of Education, Bia Lamplighter College of Education, Sefwi Debiso, Ghana.
Hyperactivity is said to be a situation characterized by inattentiveness, impulsivity and destructivity. A serious disorder if not treated well can affect the academic performance of pupils. The research used purposive sampling technique to select the pupil for the study. The instrument used to collect data was observation; the data was presented in tables and percentages. This research work was conducted at Enchi Kramokrom R/C primary school to help a hyperactive child in KG 1B to improve on her performance in class. The research questions used for the study were: What are the causes of hyperactivity? In what ways do hyperactivity affects pupils’ academic performance? What techniques could be used to reduce hyperactivity? The study revealed that, the severity of problems associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and the pervasiveness of its symptoms suggests that, efforts to find better ways to teach the relatively small number of children diagnosed with ADHD could have a large pay off in terms of improving the academic outcomes of many children with milder symptoms. It is recommended that, Classroom teachers should try as much as possible to use motivational strategies such as giving tokens, signing behaviour contracts and assigning of responsibilities when teaching pupils with hyperactive disorders.
Hyperactive, Early Grade, Enchi, Ghana, Western North Region
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