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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.6, No.4, Dec. 2020, Pub. Date: Dec. 11, 2020
Analysis of Flipped Classroom Teaching Mode in English Teaching
Pages: 415-418 Views: 1127 Downloads: 327
Qin Liu, School of Foreign Language, Yancheng Teachers University, Yancheng, China.
The application of flipped classroom teaching mode based on micro class in English teaching course teaching is an effective attempt of this new teaching mode, and provides reference for the further application of flipped classroom teaching mode in English teaching classroom. As an innovative teaching mode, flipped classroom has unique advantages that traditional teaching mode does not have. Based on the existing flipped classroom research, this paper analyzes the basic model of flipped classroom by using the methods of literature research, investigation and experimental research, taking the ubiquitous learning theory, mastery learning theory and arcs motivation theory as the theoretical basis. For English teaching, this paper constructs a flipped classroom teaching mode based on micro class, and designs and makes relevant micro class videos to promote the teaching effect of flipped classroom teaching mode based on micro class in English teaching. On the basis of the existing flipped classroom research, this paper analyzes the basic model of flipped classroom based on the ubiquitous learning theory, mastery learning theory and ARCS Motivation Theory by using the methods of literature research, investigation and experimental research, so as to promote the teaching effect of flipped classroom teaching mode based on micro class in English teaching.
Flipped Classroom, Teaching Mode, English Teaching
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