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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.7, No.1, Mar. 2021, Pub. Date: Jan. 3, 2021
Analytical Study on the Jordanian Government's Measures to Protect Individual Institutions During the COVID-19 Crisis
Pages: 14-20 Views: 1221 Downloads: 376
Azmi Aref Mousa Hajarat, Hajarat Establishment for Management Consultant, Amman, Jordan.
The Corona pandemic posed a major threat to the Jordanian economy. Small businesses and individual institutions have fallen prey to government closures to limit the spread of the virus. However, the Jordanian government has shown great efficiency and distinction in taking precautionary measures to confront the threat of the outbreak of Coronavirus (Covid-19). The measures taken by the Jordanian government were a fundamental step in protecting individual institutions from the risk of bankruptcy. These measures also came to reduce the financial burden on the owners of individual institutions and helped them to fulfil their obligations. This paper aimed to identify an Analytical study on the Jordanian government's measures to protect individual institutions during the Covid-19 crisis. An analytical approach was used. Theories were used to collect study data. The results revealed that the crisis has severely affected individual enterprises and home enterprises. Many of them lack any cash reserves, financial resources and assets, and are unable to obtain loans to cope with the crisis. Furthermore, Resorting to innovative tools at this stage, such as promoting digital sales and e-commerce, will be one of the most important interim means that enable Individual Institutions to remain strong in the market.
Jordanian Government's Measures, Individual Institutions, COVID-19
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