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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.6, No.4, Dec. 2020, Pub. Date: Dec. 11, 2020
The Research on the Influence of Mobile Learning System on Mathematics Performance of Junior High School Students in China
Pages: 428-432 Views: 1170 Downloads: 202
Liyan Yin, The School of Mathematics and Statistics, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China.
Zezhong Yang, The School of Mathematics and Statistics, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China.
In recent years, with the development of the mobile learning system in junior middle school, the influence of this system on math performance has been attracted widespread attention. Many researchers have studied this aspect, but, until now, there isn’t any complete summary. I use the literature research method in this paper to review and sort out the papers which involved the influence of the mobile learning system on math scores of junior middle school students, and to draw the following conclusions: (1) At present, researches mainly investigated from the following seven aspects: excellent rate, pass rate, average score, low score rate, score range, standard deviation, and overall grades. Most researchers admitted that the mobile learning system increased the math scores of students. (2) In many studies, currently, the experimental method is widely used, but it is worth noting that the reliability and validity of some studies whose sample size is too small are not high. (3) Since 2015, researchers have fallen into this field. They focused on the eighth grade and involved 5 provinces. So, it is apparent that the current objects and locations of study are relatively single. (4) Many scholars studied excellence rate, pass rate, and average score, while the other sides are less involved. Besides, the current researches that the influence on math achievements of junior middle school students is not perfect or in-depth enough, which ignored achievement changes of some poor students, and the influence of the mobile learning system on score difference of students is a blank point. Therefore, we need to broaden the research site, select a reasonable research method and sample number, and complete the research contents, so that the researcher will get further study and improve the effect of mathematics teaching.
Mobile Learning System, Junior Middle School Students, Mathematics Achievement, Influence
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