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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.7, No.3, Sep. 2021, Pub. Date: Aug. 20, 2021
The Pattern of Charity Activities Due to Pandemic Times as a Goodness Target in the Modern Day
Pages: 144-157 Views: 1254 Downloads: 190
Sara Nada, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economy & Political Sciences, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.
Mohamed Hamed, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Port Said University, Port Said, Egypt.
The paper treats the policy of life to be based on the mutual charitable works of states inside a country, official or civil groups, or individuals or governments. Additionally, the scientific progress affects both the way and the pattern of charitable activities since this is performed in the modern era to keep peace and love at distinctive technical progress. COVID-19 pandemics and disasters are a mark for human to go away from evil, approaching to peace life since religious conditions for Christians, Moslems, Jews, and many others order and light the human way. The charity is a fine base for golly and blest community for a quiet and stable pattern. The charity activities become a major factor of society advancement although the gosh may be less. Charity creates golly and pitying of individuals within a political strategy. The charity is classified to get maximum efficiency once its activeness is sectionalized into old and modern research. It is important for natural disasters (flooding, storms, earthquakes, …) wherever emergency conditions are entitled to get aids from others. Today reaction differs to a great extent where high technology and communication facilities are raised above predicted. The world health is not isolated since vaccine should be distributed for poor and rich or for advanced country or not. It is a non-profit action to save human on universe. This is the establishment of hospitals synchronized with emergency condition. A political charity is inserted for human rights and mutual peace between countries, the similar inside the country itself. The interior charity of individuals can be understood for society stability (cancellation of conflicts between parties). Majority, work, and education should be continued without stop or delay. A religious base is considered for people as a guide towards the goodness to present donation and light the way for individuals. Islamic religious and Holly Quran clarified the unique instruction in opposite to that advertised. It is concluded that, charity has evolved in modern era to face disasters and pandemics. It provides the opportunity to participate for small or large, rich, or poor. It put pace with modern scientific inventions on globe and plays a role for human health and empathetic society.
Charity, COVID-19 Pandemic, Religious Donation, Economic Balance, Islamic Interference, Social Corruption, COVAX
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